Pretty Simple Sarah Podcast

Amy talked to Sarah of The Pretty Simple Sarah Podcast about her family’s journey to becoming organized.

We discuss:

  • The reality of seeing the amount of toys brought into our home all at once was eye opening.

  • Once we had converted ourselves to the #lessismore mentality I became aware of the amount of trash our family of 4 was producing.

  • When I saw someone connect the zerowaste movement and minimalism it all made sense. This was what was missing in my simplifying journey.

  • I feel like a home is always evolving as your family grows and changes, but the initial declutter is most impacting once completed. Once you complete it, you can begin to focus on your values more and live your life not just out of habit, but out of intention.

  • I want to teach my children that owning more is not better, in fact owning more means more obligations and distractions from what is truly important. We try to put emphasis on spending time together as a family. On experiences over things.

  • Own less so that less owns you.


Practical(ly) Zero Waste By Elsbeth Callaghan


Going Zero Waste With a Family: Minimal-ish Podcast