Top 3 Home Organization Tips

We have all learned the importance of our home environments in the past two years as our homes have served as our safe haven during this crazy time. With the start of a new year upon us, what better time to get your most valuable space organized once and for all? As a certified KonMari® Consultant and Professional Organizer, I know first hand how it can be overwhelming in knowing where to start your home organizing efforts. There is so much information out there!  It is no wonder more than 1 out of 4 Americans would like to be better organized according to the National Association of Productivity & Organizing.  So here are three tips to get you started:

1) Only own what you use, value, and love

 Is your linen closet overflowing with towels? It is impossible to organize your 50 + coffee mugs? Are you buried in piles of winter jackets? Well… here’s the truth: it is MUCH easier to organize and MAINTAIN if you own less. Owning less is better for your physical space and your mental space.  You’ll know what you own and it will be much easier to find what you are looking for. So for most people, this means getting rid of the items that you don’t need or love.    

2) Everything has a home

 When everything in your home has a place where it is put away it will reduce your stress significantly and give you back time.  According to US News and World Report, the average Americans spends one year of their life looking for lost or misplaced items. Rethink your space so the most frequently used items are the easiest to access. Only use your turkey-roasting pan once a year? Then it should not be in one of the most easily accessed cabinets in your kitchen. Use your hairbrush at least once a day? Then it should have a specific place you store it, instead of being stuffed in any random drawer when you are trying to clean up… causing you to go on a wild goose chase looking for it. Everything having its own home will save you time and reduce your stress.  

3) Have an “out” box 

Whenever you come across something that no longer fits or you don’t need anymore put it in a designated space. For me, I have two donation boxes. I always keep a box in my garage that I place any items I plan to donate and I also have a box in my closet for the same reason. So instead of stuffing that ugly plate that you don’t like back into your cabinet, put it in your “out” box until you have enough items to take to your location donation center.  

I hope that implementing these three tips can get you on the road to a more peaceful and organized space in this New Year.


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